I thought I might take a second and highlight some of the smaller compaines out there making great products for us gamers. Specifically, resin bases.
I've always made (flocked,sanded, etc...) my own bases but recently I've gotten into using resin bases. It's amazing the amount of detail on these things. Mainly I use them to add that extra bit of detail to a commission and make a model really stand out.
One company I've had great experience so far with is Dark Art Miniatures. They are stocked by my local game store (Game Vault) and they've got a growing selection of base types. I'm a big fan of all kinds of urban style bases. They've got some lava style bases too that I would build a Daemon army just to use those things.
So if you're interested in trying resin bases out, I'd say to give it a go. Even if it's just for a character model.
A little extra work can get some great results for you army.
Here are a handful of companies producing resin bases:
Antenocities Workshop
Armorcast Battlefield Scenery
Back 2 Base-ix
Black Cat Bases
Champ Industries
Custom Made Minis
Daemonscape Scenery
Dark Art Miniatures
Dragon Forge Design
Evil Mushroom Games
Forge Craft Games
Foundations of War
ID Works
Iron Halo
Jawa Forge Resin Bases
Kerr and King Bases
Micro Art Studios
Scibor's Miniatures
Secret Weapon Miniatures
The Combat Company
If you know of another company not listed, send me the link so I can add it here for everyone else.
Additional related posts:
Basing: Dual purpose bases for 40k and WF, by Santa Cruz Warhammer
Basing: Plasticard stone bases by Corbania Prime
Basing your models with free stuff
Basing in the simplest form possible