With the opportunity to paint a few models from the Dark Vengeance set, my friend asked that I paint up the Chaplain and the Librarian models for his DIY chapter. The Chaplain is already complete and it's time to get cracking on the Librarian.
The one small conversion that was done to this model was a sword swap. Sounds simple, but swords can be a huge pain to do with trying to get all the pieces lined up correctly so it looks like one solid weapon and it's not bending in ten different directions.
The sword I am using is a Daemon sword from a Bloodletter I think. At least that's what it looks like given the arm that was attached to it. It took some fiddling around to get the new weapon to match up with the Librarian arm given the position it's in. I wanted to be careful how much I hacked it apart as I wanted to keep some stability in the arm.
Once I had my new blade and hilt in place (and pinned of course), I added some greenstuff work to the inside and outside faces to bulk up the fragile joint and hide the new connection. On the inside, I added the power cable back in place. I like this one since I'm able to use what is already there to hide the new bit.
On the outside, I added a small swirl that I will paint in a metallic color. It's shaped like the effect Librarian's have on their traditional power weapons. The new sword is meant to be a relic of some sort that's not normally carried and so it will be painted to look the part as well.
After looking at it for a little while, I opted to add a small band around the hilt just under his hand to bulk out the lower portion of the hilt. It's not much, but I think it helps balance the weapon out.
This guy is going to be painted to a higher standard than the normal tabletop level so I'll be posting some pics of the finished model once I get him done.
Make sure to check out these posts as they might help:
Dark Vengeance Space Marine Chaplain
Painting glowing eyes on psykers