I recent got the chance to paint up the Limited Edition Chaplain that comes with the super special boxed set. I've actually got the Librarian to paint as well, but I figured I'd share some pics of the Chaplain now that I have him painted up.
He's been painted to a pretty basic level to match the existing army he's going to be a part of. He's another model for a friend of mine and his huge DIY Space Marine Chapter.

This model was a blast to paint with all of the detail on him. I was a bit worried at first about how I was going to get into the tight areas, but found myself leaving the arms off until I painted the inside of the cloak and then gluing them in place. I don't do much work using a sub-assembly approach and it can throw me off my game sometimes.

I didn't do anything fancy with this guy. There is no conversion work or modifications. Just a simple paint job. The one thing that did catch me off guard was the smoke coming from his backpack. At first, I wasn't sure how I was going to paint it so that it read as smoke and not some kind of nondescript blob.
I ended up painting it black and then dabbing a dark grey followed by a slightly lighter grey over the prominent protrusions. That created a mottled look I hoped I could pass off as "smoke." Over that went a heavy wash of Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade which worked perfectly in pulling it all together.

When it came to painting the robes, I knew I had to use purple since that was one of the main colors in the army. I wanted to keep the model somewhat dark since he's a Chaplain as well. That's when I figured I would highlight his armour a basic grey color and use P3 Coal Black for the other side of his robes to give it a dark blue look. I think it contrasts nicely against the purple and does well as another dark element on the model at the same time.
My friend doesn't usually run a Chaplain in his force, but this should give a decent model to use when he does decide to try one out.
Make sure to check out these posts as they might help:
A look at some of the ways I use to paint black
How to make your own Chaplain skull helmets