Let me start with saying, I did not paint this squad. Well, not everything on the models. The squad came to me painted, I just had to change some minor things. There was nothing wrong with them when they arrived at my doorstep except for the few things my friend wanted "changed."
I swore I'd never do this kind of work again. Not because it's technically tough to do, but because it's so time consuming and you never know what you're getting into. You have no idea what kind of problems you'll run into trying to "fix" something that isn't broken.

I've done this kind of "restoration" work once before on a Chaos Lord model and said to myself never again. When my friend emailed me and asked if I could take care of this for him, I obviously said no and stood my ground knowing the trouble involved. And the models arrived a few days later.

In the end, I didn't do too much to them and my friend loves the way the models look now. That's the most I could hope for. There weren't any real issues when it came to working on these guys either so I lucked out there.
Now I swear I'm not doing this kind of work anymore.
Make sure to check out these posts as they might help:
Chaos Lord restoration project
Captain Sicarius Raven Guard conversion
Raven Guard Tactical combat squad
Raven Guard Scout Squad and some painting lessons