This is what he looked like before.
After finishing up the Flesh Tearer squad, I got back to work on this Chaos Lord model that's been patiently waiting on my desk. The first few posts about this guy went through a little bit of the restoration process. When I came back to him, my Client and I did a few more changes to the model before putting paint to him.
With all the restoration done, we sat down and ironed out the paint scheme for the model. Using the previous scheme as an "outline," we wanted to bring him into the grim dark future as it is.
Restoring vs starting from scratch
Make no mistake, restoring an old model can be much much more work than simply starting over. You really have to be committed to the process if you're hoping for results that are worth it. You will spend a considerable amount more time restoring something than you would if you just started over.
It can be worth it though. Breathing new life into an old model can be very rewarding. This guy looked much different when I first got my hands on him as you saw. Here's what he looks like now.

And here he is now
He's been given quite the facelift. We've taken the "old" version and brought it up to date with a much darker and fitting scheme for a Chaos Champion of this nature. If you go back through the project posts, you can see that we took this guy completely apart, rebuilt and resculpted and good portion of him to include a number of details and then repainted him.

We fitted or should I say added on a pair of thrusters to the new version. It fills in the backpack between the wings and gives it some mass overall.
The base is brand new as well. A few pieces of chip type bark for the rocks along with a lone Imperial Guard helmet (with skull for good measure) finish it off.
The addition of grass and a light dusting of snow add some variety and texture to the base as well and really help finish off the model and create that environment for the model. I'm actually putting together another post on this very topic.

The one thing you don't want is for your final model to look like a collection of bits and not a complete model.
In the end
Like most restoration type projects, you go into them thinking or anticipating a certain amount of work. It always works out as having to do much more than you originally anticipated. This project was no different. It was a tremendous amount of back and forth between myself and my Client to make sure we were on track and this guy was getting revamped the right way.
I think he came out fairly well. Truth be told, he came out better than I was imagining how he was going to turn out. Maybe it was a case of not being able to see the end result in my mind as well as I wanted to. I just believed I could get him to turnout alright if I kept working on him.
Thankfully, my Client loved him.
My Project Link: Chaos Lord Restoration