This model finishes out my contribution to the Storm Wardens/Doctors Without Borders project. Actually, all my models are boxed up and being shipped out to the rally point right now.
To go over some things about the model...
The idea for the image came from talking with the guys over at Fantsy Flight Games. I think it works, but sometimes I wonder if a simple "icon" would have done the trick just as well. Doing images like this and not icons (like a simple lightning bolt) means you have to look into the background a little bit and not everyone always agrees on that stuff. There's always the chance that someone won't like it or agree with the imagery chosen.
The Terminator honors hangs from the top of the banner on a silver cord to add a little gold up top (in addition to the Eagle) and help solidify the banner to the banner pole. It's a cosmetic way to make the model sturdy enough to stand up to gaming.
The 3 little images at the bottom of the banner are (left to right):
The chapter symbol.
Should find some way to work that into the banner shouldn't I? Going with the "image" idea and not the icon approach, I probably should have the Chapter symbol on there at least once.
A series of stars.
This is to represent all of the different artists who worked on the project and shows that we are scattered among the stars but brought together for the project. Lots of flowers and kittens and happiness here.
A short scroll.
Some text explaining the whole project. It starts with the letter =I= as a nod to the Inquisition and the upcoming RPG Deathwatch being put out by Fantasy Flight Games.
The back of the banner has a long scroll attached to it to break up the huge area of blue and act a little visual variety for the guy fielding the model since he'll never get to see the front of it... his opponent will always be looking at it from across the table.
And the model is painted like the rest of them according to the color scheme laid down by the Codex. I added a few lightning bolts to him in addition to the chapter specific sculpted shoulderpad.
If you haven't had a chance to see the whole army so far, cruise over to the Storm Wardens blog and look at the army collage to see all of the units in the army.
If you haven't donated yet, I'm not sure what to say at this point. An army like this is amazing and to help a cause like Doctors Without Borders makes it even better.
Make sure you donate, the deadline is this weekend (July 18th). You could win this amazing army. Even if you don't walk away with the army, you helped us to help a great cause.
How to "build" a banner similar to this can be found here.