Since I've made some changes to my Deathwing army list, I thought I might post what they look like now. It's not a "legal" list by any stretch of the imagination, but it's what I'm using these days.
The army breaks down like this.
HQ: Librarian
I decided to keep this guy and rework his painting a little bit after learning a few things painting the Scouts. I dropped Belial in favor of this guy because he adds a bit more than Belial does. I've been unable to get either one to do anything worthwhile on the battlefield, but I think the blue paintjob on this guy looks pretty cool. That and I love his shoulder artwork. So he's in, Belial is out. Terminator squads still counts As Troops though.
Troops: Two Terminator squads
In anticipation of the upcoming Codex, I've decided to add some options I think would do these guys good. Namely, combi-plasmas for the Sergeants. I absolutely love the way these weapons look and have been waiting forever to add them to a couple models. Right now, I only have one heavy weapon in the squads, but I'm contemplating adding a second one. It would be another heavy flamer I think. That would be kinda cool.
Troops: One Scout Squad
Yep, these guys are part of my Troops too. I'm not using the Dark Angels Scouts rules, but Space Marine Codex rules for these guys. Lots more options and versatility for the same points. Sure, their stats aren't as good and Dark Angel Scouts, but that's the trade off for using them I suppose.
Heavy Support: Two Land Raiders (Godhammer Pattern)
Old schoool models, a must use. I did some work for these and cleaned them up a bit to get them useable. Sure, they only hold 5 guys, but how cool looking are these things? I want to add multimeltas to these if have a couple points left over. That means I'll have to use Forge World rules for them though, but that's not big deal.
Elites: Two Dreadnoughts
I've got one Mortis Pattern dread with dual Autocannons (uses Forge World rules) and one "regular" dread with a Close Combat Weapon and a Lascannon. This guy used to be a Mortis pattern as well, but I put the fist back on him since I wanted something that could run along with a Terminator squad and crush things if need be.
And that's where I stand now.
I'll need to get some test games in with it before heading to Games Day in August. It's only 1500 points, but that's what I prefer to play. I suppose I could add another Terminator Squad to get it up to 1750. If I did, I would definitely give them all Thunderhammers and Storm Shields. I've always wanted a squad outfitted like that.
Make sure to check out these posts as they might help:
How to paint Deathwing quick and dirty
How to paint Deathwing slow and complex but with amazing results