I happened to be cruising through the bulletin boards of my local game store the other night and found a post for an upcoming 40k Tournament.
Perfect, time to get a little gaming in.
I should give you a little background first.
It seems like most of the tournaments these days are 1750 points.
I only have 1500.
I have no intention of making it 1750, I like 1500 points.
I talk about it, but I'm not going to do it.
I whine about 1750 being too much and ask why not 1500 instead.
Now comes along a 1500 point tournament...
time to pony up and get playing.
I've really only ever played in one other tournament before. I used my mechanised Black Templars and ended up taking Second Place and Best Painted. I gave my prize to another player to help him with his painting.
I've since sold my Templars so I'm taking my Lustwing to this party.
Not exactly a power army, it's an all infantry force that's built to look cool more than perform well. It's my "Zero-Ten" army.
Combat effectiveness: Zero
Coolness: Ten
With the recent few posts on Sportsmanship, first by Jawaballs and then another by Pathfinder... I find myself wondering about my upcoming event.
My "skills" aren't all that good, I don't know the rules all that well and quite honestly, that doesn't bother me too much as evident with this game.
But it's still worth thinking about, Sportsmanship is important. I think I'm going to go with the intent of having a good time. I'm going to let people take things back, do things over, take short shots and all that stuff. Will I win the day, I doubt it, but that's not the point for me.
My gaming "style" has changed over the past year or so. I used to not be like this. I've become much more laid back these days and more interested in having a good time instead of winning the game.
I want to be glad that I went out for the day and spent it playing 40k instead of doing something like cutting the yard or painting the stairs.
If I win something, great. If I don't, that's ok too.
I'm just glad I won't have to spend the day doing yardwork.