Back side of Reaver titan torso banner

With the front of the torso banner for The Inner Geek's Reaver Titan done, it was time to turn my attention to the back of it. The original idea was to just duplicate the colors on the front on the bach but in reverse. After talking to The Geek, I convinced him to let me paint a "mini portrait" if you will. An image depicting a glorious moment in the Titan's history.

It's in all blues to keep it muted. I didn't want it competing for attention with the rest of the model.

To get the image, I used one of the Geek's photos of his actual model and added some background to it. There isn't much detail, but it's just enough to give the suggestion of a finely detailed mural on the back of the main banner for this monster.

It's really an extra. And by that, I mean it's not one of the things you notice right off the bat when you look at the model, but it's something you'll notice when you get closer and really start to look at all the details the Inner Geek put in there and this fits right in there as well.

And that ends my work. Look for The Inner Geek to post updates on his Titan since I'm mailing off these in the next couple days.

Here's a link to the Geek's finished Titan with banners.

My Project Link: Follow my Reaver Titan banner project

Ron, From the WarpIf you've got any questions about something in this post, shoot me a comment and I'll be glad to answer. Make sure to share your hobby tips and thoughts in the comments below!