Now here's a cool looking Daemon Engine for Chaos. Like Forge World was going to put out something bad looking though? I'm not going to delve into the rules for this guy, but I did see that he can be given specific Chaos marks to align him with particular powers.
I wonder if this opens up the possibility of Forge World releasing individual, mark specific shoulder armour for this guy. Don't get me wrong, I like the standard Chaos star, but I can imagine some really cool looking chaos power daemon engines too.
I'm sure folks are going to convert their own engines to match the chaos power they want and that's going to make for some gorgeous conversions.
Image from Forge World as well
I am bummed that my little Imperial dreadnoughts are tiny in comparison to this guy. This guy seems (looks) really dangerous. I wonder how he compares next to a Grey Knight Dreadknight model?
My favorite part of Forge World dreadnoughts
I know it might seem silly, but I really like the feet on Forge World dreadnoughts. I think the foot style ones look far better than the "plus sign" pads that come on regular dreads. I have a regular GW dreadnought I'm slowly building and I managed to get some Forge World feet for him.
The trouble is, on a GW dreadnought, the legs are slightly angled. It's not much, but it makes a difference when you put the Forge World feet on there. I thought about straightening out the legs and making them a bit more upright like FW dread legs actually are, but it looks like it might be a huge amount of work.
I may have to bite the bullet and do it now. It could be a lot of work, but it might make my little dreadnought stand just a bit prouder when compared to this new Chaos monstrosity.
Make sure to check out these posts as they might help:
Magnetizing Space Marine dreadnought arms
Autocannon Mortis Pattern dreadnought conversion
Forge World Dark Angels Venerable Dreadnought