Hobby Focus: Objective markers

While I was wandering the rolls the other day, I came across this gem of an objective marker from 3+ FTW. Don't let the blog name confuse you, it's a smaller blog right now, but some of the best stuff can be found on the smaller sites that are focused on just sharing what they've done for themselves.

I don't know the specifics of the marker, but the idea of the zombies coming up out of the ground and reaching for the dice just seems so cool to me. I don't think it doubles as a turn counter though. Would be excellent if it could though.

I've always thought making objective markers for your army was a great idea. Seeing someone take the extra time and put some effort into making something so small for an army always impressed me.

I've only made one real objective marker that I can remember. I made it a while ago when I used to play more than I did anything else.

I found it to be a way to tell a short story and give a little background to my army. You know, a reason to be fighting there.

Of course the opposite of all this is to use a single D6 and just set in on the table. It might work, but it's not going to to win any awards or add much to the game in the end.

I finally settled on making these markers that could glued down to wooden bases to simulate radar blips. This made it easy to come up with enough for both players to have what they needed for the game.

So if you're one of those players who has custom made objective markers that add that extra little bit to both your army and the game, let me say thank you.
Thank you for taking the extra time and investing it in the hobby.

Additional links and thoughts:
I've taken some of the links from the comments and added them here for additional reading.
Cached equipment objective markers
Imperial statue objective markers
Erupting Trygon objective marker
Eldar themed objective markers
Cached equipment with covering tarp objective marker
A quick and easy non-specific objective marker

And something I completely forgot about was this little guy here. He comes from Secret Weapon Minis and is one of their swag items. I can't really think of many "objective markers" for sale from companies, but it does give me an idea.

With the amount of detail already present on most resin bases, who says you can't add a few more smaller elements to a base and call it done? It wouldn't take much I suspect, most of the work has been done with the resin base already.

Just another element or two glued onto it and you've got something that matches the theme of your army perfectly.

Whatever method you chose, if you've taken the time to go that extra bit, thank you.

Make sure to check out the other Hobby Focus Articles too!

Ron, From the WarpIf you've got any questions about something in this post, shoot me a comment and I'll be glad to answer. Make sure to share your hobby tips and thoughts in the comments below!