This guy is part of a larger Tactical squad and my Client and I were discussing some options when it comes to tying him into the rest of the squad visually. Sure he has similar markings and such, but the portion we're most concerned about is his weapon.
All of the guys in the squad with bolters are sporting the all red bolter case.
We want to make sure the heavy bolter guy fits in with the rest of the squad and we're open to any suggestions you all might have when it comes to his weapon... or any other portion of him actually.
Whatever it takes so that he fits in visually with the rest of the unit and still stands out enough to be recognized as the "heavy bolter guy."
Thanks for the help with this.
UPDATE: A huge thanks to everyone who commented. And a couple of you guys even added links that I've gone through and added below.
This one comes from The Inner Geek
And this one comes from Warpaintguy
At this point, we've gone with a limited red on the gun casing. Not completely red, but a good bit more than originally there. You guys were definitely right about having a bit more red on there.