Alright folks, only a few more days (July 18th) left to donate and secure yourself a chance at winning this gorgeous army. Not only do you get a chance to win this force, you're helping support a great cause (Doctors Without Borders) at the same time.
The little section (just the Terminator honors) up top is 8mm across. That little beauty took me about an hour to paint. It's my first real attempt an NMM. And probably my last.
For those who have no experience painting NMM, let me help you out.
Do NOT do it.
Unless, you have so much free time on your hands that you don't know what to do with and you want to fill it up painting. Seriously.
The effect is cool, don't get me wrong, it's just very, very time consuming. You need to blend everything a couple different times and then you need to be able to carefully line highlight the edges as well.
The rest of the banner is coming along well enough. Here are a couple shots of progress.
All kidding aside, I'll be putting together a simple tutorial on getting a NMM effect on models for those of us who aren't master painters. There are a couple things to keep in mind when painting like this and once you get those down, it's just a matter of following the formula so to say.