Image from the cover of Angels of Darkness
Now I don't read many 40k books. I think I can count on one hand all the books I've read when it comes to the game. I'm one of those people who just thumbs through the Codex and gets the background I need for building my army out of there.
It just so happens that I was out with my Daughter at the bookstore the other week getting her a new book (side note: if you have kids and they show the slightest interest in reading anything, get them whatever book it takes to keep them reading) and I happen to find this little gem in the Warhammer 40k section.
Like I said, I don't usually read 40k books, but this one was about the Dark Angels and I thought, why not. So I picked it up on a whim.
All in all, not a bad read. Starts off kinda slow but picks up towards the end as you start to see what's going on and put the puzzle pieces together for yourself. I suspect most 40k books suffer from something I realised towards the end though... there's only so many ways to write about Space Marines stomping the life out of their obviously inferior opponents who don't stand a chance.
Anyone know of a book where the Marines get their teeth kicked in, let me know, I want to read that one.
If you're a Dark Angels player, you may find yourself wishing you'd taken the time to build a Pre-Heresy force after you sit down and read this.
I found myself either understanding or falling for another trap set by the bad guy (a captured Fallen Angel) as he explained what happened thousands of years ago to the Chaplain who was interrogating him over the course of the book.
I like the problems the Dark Angels have now, they're flawed, but I find myself wishing the Legions were still the way they were before the Heresy. Thousands of men strong with one leader and a single goal.
Back when they were the good guys and there was no doubt about it.