Some Doublewing Terminator work

I don't have many Terminators done yet.
I do have them all built but only two painted so far. He took about 5 hours to do with all the coats of white to make it smooth and consistent.

Here's a look at my Apothecary Terminator. I used the Chaos Autocannon with Assault Cannon barrels attached to the end. Looks close enough to the Imperial one. I had to file off the "Chaos" looking things to make in convincing.

The Apothecary arm is mounted on a regular Terminator arm that was cut just below the elbow. Some filing and cutting away from each piece and they fit close enough.

I'll see if I can get a pic of my recent Attack bike in the next couple days to post.

Link: Follow my White Scars Doublewing project

White Scar terminator and Veteran sergeant

Since this post is quite old now... I've been able to refine my "white" and have a much quicker process for painting models white.
The new technique is here.

Ron, From the WarpIf you've got any questions about something in this post, shoot me a comment and I'll be glad to answer. Make sure to share your hobby tips and thoughts in the comments below!