This squad of Death Korps of Krieg Grenadiers is something I've been working on for a while now. I've always thought these guys were so cool looking and wanted to see if there was a way to take a regular Imperial Guard squad and convert them into DKOK. I knew it was going to take some work, but I figured it could be done.
The biggest thing that made this possible has been the introduction of third party bits that provide the "great coats" so many players want to have. The ones I decided to go with come from Secret Weapon minis. Both the coats and the gas mask heads come from SWM. They are the key bits to this whole conversion really. The rest is some minor plasticard and greenstuff work.
This post is more of an overview of the project. Once I get them finished up in the coming month or so, I'll go more in depth on the construction and the painting. Since I'm not there just yet, I figured I'd share more of a WIP type thing with you all. I this case I've got a few pictures of the squad Sergeant model.
I think my friend is going to play them as regular Guard models and keep the DKOK aspect just for looks. That's perfectly fine with me, I'm really just trying to work through the whole squad as a personal challenge.

I've since gone back into the model and added some leg armour on the guys along with some additional shoulder armour plates for an overlapping look and the giant cuffs they have at the ends of their sleeves. It makes them look a bit more finished overall.
Just adding those few details has added even more character to the unit, but it's increased the work on each model ten fold. Every little detail you add to one model you have to do to all ten of them. It adds up fast.
So far, I think the Sergeant is coming along nicely and has a great look to him. He's not DKOK exactly, but close enough that with paint, he'll be recognized for what he should be. That would be a win for me.
Once I get the squad built, I'll share some more pics of the guys along with a step by step showing all the things I did to convert the squad for folks who want to do something similar. It's a bit time consuming to be honest, but not that hard in the end.
Make sure to check out these posts as they might help:
How to drill out gun barrels
How to model power cables and hoses