This Chaplain conversion is based off the artwork in the old Space Mairne Codex combined with the pose of the Flesh Tearers Gabriel Seth model. Put together, it makes for a very cool Chaplain conversion. I've been working on this guy for some time now as my free time has been limited over the past few months. That being said, he's finally done.
I took what I learned from my first Black Templar Chaplain conversion and tried to build on that with this model. The biggest thing on this model is the greenstuff cloak. This is the first time I've tried sculpting a full cloak from greenstuff. I'd seen pictures and figured it could be done, but wasn't sure. Fortunately, my Client agreed to let me try my hand at it.

The cloak and how it was done
I'll be doing a complete tutorial on the cloak itself in the coming weeks. I took some pictures as I was sculpting it and will put them together in their own post. It's not as hard as I thought it would be. The biggest thing is being patient enough to let the greenstuff cure before trying to fit it in place on the model.
The half tabard was sculpted slightly differently. The tutorial for how that was done can be found here. I use a different process due to the size of the tabard and I like getting a number of folds in there which would be tough to do if I used the same method as the cloak itself.
Skulls and bones and all the extras
When it came to add the kneepads on this model, I cast them instead of trying to build each one individually. This made them a bit more consistent looking and allowed me some more flexibility when attaching them since the greenstuff bends. I built one kneepad, made a mold of it using BluStuff and then made a set of pads from that mold. Since it was simple one piece, press mold with no undercuts, they came out nice and clean.
The skulls were taken from various places and cleaned up. The bones are from Secret Weapon Minis and I cut them down to individual bones, rounded the edges and glued them in place. This was far easier than trying to make greenstuff bones.
The ribbed power cables were done using the Tentacle Maker from Green Stuff Industries. I used the SAW-020 (which is the smallest size) and it worked perfectly. The other cables are just thin lengths of greenstuff pressed in place.
The purity seals are scratchbuilt too and I'll have a tutorial for those in the coming week. Those are easy to do and the ability to make your own to fit where they go on the model cannot be overlooked.

The head is a conversion I outlined a while back. I really like the look of the skull helmet for Chaplains and I have two tutorials for it. One for power armoured Chaplains and one for Terminator armoured Chaplains.
The arms are from the Blood Angles. I don't remember the exact bits, but I ended up converting those in order to get the position I wanted. I had to use a Chaos arm for his right arm to get a better position. I wanted him holding or swinging his crozius a little more sideways instead of overhead and upright.
The base comes from Secret Weapon minis and is from the Ruined Temple line. I have to say it's one of my favorite lines because they are flat and still have such cool detail cut into them.
I'm sure I'm missing something, so if you have a question about a specific part, fire away and I'll do my best to answer it.
Make sure to check out these posts as they might help:
Chaplain power armoured skull helmet conversion
Making greenstuff power cables
Green Stuff Industries Tentacle Maker review
How to sculpt a half tabard