With Forge World releasing their new "Zone Mortalis" rules, I cannot tell you how excited I am. I've played games before using makeshift rules to best represent the tight confines of Space Hulk style fighting in the game of 40k and it was an absolute blast. Perhaps one of the best games I've ever played.
I guess it doesn't hurt that I love playing Space Hulk either. That's got to be my most favorite game on the planet ever. Bringing that and 40k together is nothing but a win for this little hobbyist.
I've already downloaded my copy of the rules from the FW site and I'm excited to give them a go once I get an army together. I hope it's every bit as brutal as they make it out to be in their promo blurb.
They mention the boarding assault rules previously published in Imperial Armour Volume 9: The Badab War Part One, but I haven't gone over those yet. I've glanced through the book looking at the pretty pictures, but skipped the rules. Looks like I'll have to give those a go as well.
And the pics up there, those are from our game way back when. We played a surface game where I had to assault a bunker. Once I managed to get to it, I had to go down into it to remove the remaining resistance forces inside. I think I managed a win, but it was a costly one to say the least. I sent twenty plus guys in and only three survived in the end.
These come from the comments below:
Hirst Art's ship corridor blocks
A look at some alternatives from a discussion on Astronomican
WorldWorksGames space corridors (link to site, fee to download their pdf)
Make sure to check out these posts as they might help:
GW Hazardous Environments (.pdf)
GW Rules of Engagement (.pdf)