And here he is, the finished model. After a few days of painting, I think I was able to come fairly close to the artwork and the picture in the Cygnar book.
He was a challenge to paint for a number of reasons. The first one being that it's the very first Warmachine model I've ever done. They (or at least this one) seem to be slightly smaller than your regular GW model. Because of this, there aren't the wide open spaces I'm used to painting on. It meant a bit more brush control for me.
This guy has a good amount of detail too. It might be that he's a character model. It's not out of the ordinary for character models to be loaded with detail though regardless of the game system I bet. Sometimes they can be easier to paint than normal models since all you need to do is work on small sections at a time.

You can barely see the stonework in the base since most of it is covered with the large metal object he's standing on, the static grass and a bit of sand. I did try and blend the model into the base using weathering powders. I even went as far as to add a touch of GW Devlan Mud to the static grass to help it blend in and so it wasn't the one color it comes out of the tub as across thwe whole model.
Another effect (that's almost lost) is the verdigris on the metal block he's standing on. It was done with a thinned wash of GW Hawk Turquiose over a base coat of Tin Bitz. After it dried, I went back over and drybrushed a slightly lighter bronze color over the edges to show it had been worn back down to the bare metal. I think it looks cool, I just need to push the effect a little further next time so it isn't lost on the model.
I kept the glowing effect to a minimum on this guy too. There are a few more areas on the real model that are glowing. I opted out of those ande decied to focus on the ones I could do to the best of my ability. That and I was worried it might be too much after the mishap with my Terminator Librarian where went way overboard with the OSL and then had to repaint a good portion of him to tone it down.
I'm glad I got a chance to try my hand at painting him, it was quite the challenge.
My Project Link: Warmachine: General Adept Nemo