Space Wolves are rich with background history, images and stories. Still, there are some Space Wolf models out there that just don't represent how cool the character is in the Codex. And sometimes, you just want something different.
And it's not just Space Wolves either, there are lots of chapters (and armies for that matter) that have killer character models out there. Black Library gives us all kinds of background material to pull inspiration from as well.
Tyranids.... I bet they have it tough. I don't know how much is out there about them. They don't really have named HQ models like the rest of us do.
So how do you "get" a custom Independent Character?
Good question. You've got a few options.
1. You can have someone build it for you.

Finding the right person can take a little leg work, but can be well worth it in the end. The big hurdles here may be the timeline as most "good" artists are generally backed up and then there is the cost. This kind of thing can get expensive quick.
One last thing to think of in this category is Shipping and Handling. If you can, try and find someone local or relatively close to you as it will keep the extra costs down and reduce the potential for problems with shipping things across the globe.
If the person you want to build your model is on the other side of the world and you don't want anyone else to do it... just make sure you know how it's all going to work out in the end so you're not surprised.
2. Scratchbuild your own version.
If you have the ability to build your character model from scratch (I wish I could do this), the sky is the limit here. Take your time and you can come up with something absolutely spectacular. A true original work.
The big hurdle here is going to be the time it takes. If you've got the skill, it's simply going to be a matter of setting aside the time to get this guy built.
This may be the most rewarding method. To know that you built your own model from scratch can be very satisfying.
But what if you can't scratchbuild an entire model?

I'm willing to bet this is where most of us fall. Scratchbuilding is tough, but most of us can swap out a head, an arm, a new torso and maybe do a little bit of greenstuff work to seal the deal.
There are tons of bits out there to help those of us in this category. From the extras you might have left over in your bits box to online providers who have that one key piece you need to finish off your model. You shouldn't have any trouble getting a hold of what you need to convert your custom HQ.
The hurdles here may not be as big as the other two options since you're saving both time and money by using bits. But... bits can get expensive if you're not careful. Try asking friends or trading for bits to help keep costs down in this category.
Do I really need to convert my Character model?

Nothing says you have to spend tons of money to have a unique model. If you like the look of the model as it is, then leave it that way. There are a handful of models I think look great just as they are and wouldn't change a thing to them.
Taking the time to paint in the extra details or try your hand at some freehand will set your model apart despite it being the same thing that another player might be fielding. It comes down to putting your personal touch on your models.
Maybe you focus on the model's base in this case and really try to make that into something of a work of art. Add that extra piece or try something different with it so your model stands out from the rest of your force. It doesn't have to be over the top, just enough to draw some attention.
But what about Tyranid players, what can they do?

The poison tree frog there has an interesting look with his orange body and light blue-grey feet. The red spots are the icing on the cake.
If you can find a color scheme you like AND can paint without creating an unbelievable amount of work for yourself, that's a win. I know that some armies can put down a few hundred models, so it's just as important that you look at how long it's going to take you to paint your killer color scheme.
Having to do thirty plus steps to paint each of your 150 models may not make for much fun in the end.
What does creating your own Character get you?
Even changing something small or making a couple of minor adjustments, you really put your own personal touch on your army. Sure, your army was yours to begin with, but you want it to stand out.
Whether you have someone else do it, start from scratch or modify an existing model, investing a little time into your character models will make your army look every bit as cool as their background would lead you to believe.
Make sure to check out these posts as they might help:
5 things to make your army stand out