3 Blood Angel Apothecaries finished

Since I posted the "WIP" shots the other day, I figured I post the three completed Apothecary models now.

The first two models are as you see them. The last Apothecary (below) is magnetized to allow him to run with a normal backpack or a jump pack depending on how he's needed.

And one last shot of the jump pack. It was fun to paint this thing up and try to make it look like it fit with the rest of the model. I did a little weathering to show some exhaust stains around the back. I picked out a good number of details on the model and had to do the same with the jump pack itself. These things are deceptive. There's a lot of details on them once you start looking.

I painted the red with my normal tabletop approach (tutorial here) and spent a little bit of time on the bases to make them match with the rest of my Client's army. Aside from the texturing, the painting was fairly simple.

It's a basecoat of Dark Chocolate by Americana followed by a wash of GW Sepia and Baal Red. The two colors are spread about the base in a random pattern in order to create some variety in the shadow colors. Then it's a drybrush highlight with Sable by Americana followed by a second drybrush of the same Sable color with some GW Bleached bone and Ceramcoat Terracotta mixed in to make it lighter but still keep it warm. The last step is a spot was of some GW Devlan Mud in the recessed areas and a little bit of Baal Red for effect.

As far as conversion work, there isn't too much. A few greenstuff icons here and there and one hand swap which took a little bit of work. I took the Devastator Sergeant pointing hand (at least I think that's what it is) and used it to replace the regular Apothecary hand. It gives the model a different look and that's what we were going for. Some greenstuff in the arm joints to get the arms positioned just right and we were in business.

The WIP post is here for those interested.

Additional related posts:
Assembly: Repositioning Space Marine Arms
Sculpting shoulderpad icons
Soot stained gun barrels

Ron, From the WarpIf you've got any questions about something in this post, shoot me a comment and I'll be glad to answer. Make sure to share your hobby tips and thoughts in the comments below!