The trouble with adding models to this army is that it is painted so fast and loose that you can't really add elements with lots of detail... like a banner, without them looking really out of place.
But that never stopped me from trying.
The solution: Paint it fast and loose right?

I've had the model for some time now. I think he had a regular storm bolter. And I've had the plastic banner for a while too. Put the two of them together and presto, instant banner bearer.
Like I said, I've been meaning to add one to my list for a while, but I'm either too busy or too lazy to do it. Having the model already painted was what pushed me over the edge. All I needed to do was swap out the arms and glue the banner in place.

I never paint banners like this so this was a real experiment to see if it would work. I found the old Dark Angels codex and copied the image from there.
I just took a black drafting pen and freehanded the design right onto the plastic banner and got it as close as I could. Then I painted the whole thing like I did my regular Deathwing troops... either light grey or dark grey.
I did cheat a bit and added some blends in there so that I could keep the detail without having to add more colors to my two base color scheme.
Then I added some washes and highlights using the same colors I did in the rest of the army. I did add a new color, yellow, to the mix since it was a big part of the banner. Had I been a bit more of a purist, I would have kept my palette limited and worked through the issue. Not this time though.
This adds a nice big green piece to my army and helps break up all the tan. Now that I've got a green and blue (the Librarian) piece to the army, I need a black piece.
That's going to come by the way of a Chaplain at some point. I've got all the bits, I just need to get around to actually building him.
All in all, the whole thing took just over 45 minutes from start to finish which is a far cry from the 3 hours I spent on the Storm Wardens banner alone.