Since time is quickly running out, I decided that I would use my time today to it's fullest and work on a couple things at a time. While I was finishing up an Eldar project, I dumped out all the bits I had for my part of the Storm Wardens army and started taking inventory.
John over at Santa Cruz Warhammer sent me plenty of stuff to make a 5 man Terminator Assault Squad. MisterJustin is sending me the resin bases and Mik sent me a Command Squad Banner Bearer.
It's amazing how much is going on with the group. There have been over 300 emails that have come across my computer so far related to the project... and that's just the stuff involving me.

But back to the Terminators. There is so much I'd love to do with this unit, but I'm strapped for time (the final date of mid July is quickly approaching) and I've got tons of other things already underway like the rest of the guys.
So the trick will be balancing what I have with what I want to do with the time I have to do it in. This means I won't be able to do everything I want, so I'll have to choose those elements that really enhance the squad. Things like simple conversions and sculpting to really make these guys into Storm Warden Inheritors.
Inheritors being what the members of the First Company call themselves after the Nemesis Incident. They are the custodians of the Chapter’s honour until the day their ancestors rise from their timeless slumber.
I'm shooting for simple and effective with these guys. They won't have tons of bells and whistles, but will have sculpted shoulder pads, converted thunderhammers, specific storm shields and some additional iconography added in a few places here and there.
You can see all of my Storm Wardens posts here: Follow the project