Sergeant Telion Raven Guard conversion

Ever since I did the "Dr. Octopus" Raven Guard Techmarine conversion way back when, I've been fortunate that my Client has come back for more work and I've been able to keep working on my Raven Guard army that he plays for me.

This time, I've got a bunch of character models that I'm converting into Raven Guard figures. What's that mean? Lots of shaving off Ultramarine symbols and sculpting new stuff in place of it. Add some resin bases and paint them up in the "correct" colors.

I decided to start with Telion since I've done one of these models before for another friend of mine. I knew what I would be getting into with this one so I thought it would get my confidence up by starting with something I knew. The base comes from Dark Art Miniatures.

A quick head swap to get rid of the "iconic" Telion look and a resculpted shoulderpad were the two big changes. At first, I was just going to paint the symbol on his shoulder, but I decided to sculpt it at the last minute to give the shoulder some texture to match the other one he wears with the laurel and skull. I'm glad I did in the end, it adds that extra touch to the model.

He's painted to match the Raven Guard Scout squad I did previously. Good thing I wrote down all my painting formulas. I added the gold on his shoulderpad and the bolter casing hanging from his belt to make him stand out from all the other Scouts. None of them are allowed to wear any gold.

Next up: Pedro Cantor Raven Guard conversion.

Make sure to check out these posts as they might help:
How to paint black armour
How to freehand the Raven Guard chapter symbol

Ron, From the WarpIf you've got any questions about something in this post, shoot me a comment and I'll be glad to answer. Make sure to share your hobby tips and thoughts in the comments below!