I've been running to my FLGS almost once a week to buy paint. Of course, that makes sense seeing as that I'm painting almost everyday and this stuff is bound to run out.
But Gold paint?
How do you run out of gold paint?
I can see something like black or white or a color like that, but gold?
What in the world do you have to paint to run out of gold?
And then it hit me.
Twenty Adeptus Custodes.
Oh right, that'll do it.
But GW stuff is not the only paint I use. I'll use whatever it takes. I don't care at all who makes it. Especially if it means I don't have to mix colors to get the exact shade I'm looking for. I'll use whatever brand will save me the most work. Even if I have to pay a bit more for the specific color. Whatever it takes to make my life easier.
Naturally, my collection of paints covers a wide variety of brands because of my mercenary attitude towards paint. And this means there are different things I have to consider when working with different brands.
These are the colors you see all the time. Using these means you can match what you see in WD the closest.
I like the consistency of these and don't generally thin them down.
What I don't like is the paint pot. The flip lid with that little half spout thing is horrible.
I've only got one bottle of this stuff but I love the bottle it comes in. Way better than the GW paint pot. Same concept but better execution as it allows me to crack the lid open halfway and not make a huge mess.
This stuff seems kinda thick and requires watering down and multiple coats.
Again, I've only got one bottle of this stuff and I love the little dropper tip on it so you can squeeze out a single drop onto your palette.
This stuff seems to want to crack all the time and I end up using mutiple layers to fill the cracks. Good coverage, but the cracking drives me nuts, regardless of how I water it down.
(Americana, Folk Art, Apple Barrel, etc)
This stuff is made for crafting but I use it anyway. I like the bottles they come in, huge amounts of paint and the lid can be flipped open like a dropper. And, you can take the cap off completely and use it as a mini palette and get the paint out of the cap. Sometimes I water them down, but I usually use them straight out of the bottle.
And, last but not least, I found this site here, (Silicon Dragons) a long time ago and figured I would share it with those of you who haven't seen it yet.
Very helpful if you're looking to match colors across different brands of paint.
With their online program here, you can pick one brand and then select another brand and it will match the colors between the two brands to show you how close they match.
ADDED: Zorcon's World has a great post about paints that is even better than this one and is worth checking out.
Additional related links:
Color: Purple and others too
Color: HOw to paint Red