40k Rumors

Rumor: "an unverified account or explanation of events circulating from person to person and pertaining to an object, event, or issue in public concern" -Wikipedia

What is it about rumors?
We just can't get enough of them it seems.

Whether it's Blood Angels, Tyranids, Space Wolves or whatever, we gobble this stuff up like there's no tomorrow. Check out any of the big bulletin boards and there are all these veiled references and doublespeak and saying things without saying them.
It's pathetic really.

How about this...If you know something, just say it.
If you don't or are not allowed, then simply be quiet.

But this whole thing of I know something that you don't is sad. And then to post about it and watch others play the game "Guess what's on my mind" as they desperately try and decode what you might have possibly been thinking about mentioning in a round about way is even worse.

That's one of my favorite games by the way.

If people put half the effort they do into "decoding cryptic posts" made by people talking about things they "can't" talk about into actually working on their armies, I could play against completely assembled and painted armies more than once every four years.

Try it next time, if you have accurate information and can talk about it, then please share it with the group, otherwise just keep quiet.

If you're just looking to boost your post count on your favorite bulletin board, then try one of the modeling and painting sections where you can help someone in need.

Or, you could go work on your army and actually get it finished.

And for the record, Tau are coming out after Blood Angels.

Ron, From the WarpIf you've got any questions about something in this post, shoot me a comment and I'll be glad to answer. Make sure to share your hobby tips and thoughts in the comments below!