I decided to finish this guy up this weekend as one of the smaller projects I had on my desk. While I didn't charge my client much at all for this guy, it was more of a chance for me to paint something a little different for a change and I've always liked this model.

I got him half painted so he needed to be stripped down to the metal and rebased. I decided to set him on a simple stone surface so I greenstuffed that real quick while I dug up my Dark Angels codex to see what the color scheme was for this guy. I stuck to it for the most part except for leaving out some of the odd coloring of things like cables and hoses.
I did a quick freehand chapter icon on his left shoulder and the paint scheme for his power sword is taken from the Sergeant in the new Space Hulk set. It looked really cool so I figured I would give it a go and see if I could duplicate it.
All in all, a fun model to paint and a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.